New Jersey Division of Local Government Services Local Finance Notices 2020-09 & 2020-10

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April 17, 2020
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New Jersey Division of Local Government Services Local Finance Notices 2020-09 & 2020-10

Local Finances Notice 2020-09

Local Finance Notice 2020-09 – FEMA Public Assistance Program

The President declared an Emergency Declaration (EM-3451) for the State of New Jersey on March 13, 2020. However, in response to a recent request by our Governor, the President upgraded our EM Declaration to a major disaster declaration (DR-4488) on March 24, 2020, allowing:

  1. Public Assistance (PA) – Category B: Emergency Protective Measures
  2. Individual Assistance – Crisis Counseling Program (CCP)
  3. Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) – Not Yet Determined

Under this major disaster declaration (DR-4488), FEMA reimbursement will be provided at a 75 percent Federal cost share, whereby eligible Applicants can be reimbursed 75% of their eligible costs. FEMA will not duplicate assistance provided by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), or other federal agencies, which will be reviewed on a case by case basis with NJOEM/FEMA representatives.

State, Territorial, Tribal, County, and local government entities, and private non-profit (PNP) organizations can apply for reimbursement under the FEMA Public Assistance grant program for any eligible costs from January 20, 2020 and on-going.

Local Finance Notice 2020-09

Please follow the link below to read more about these programs and guidance on how your organization can apply for assistance:

Contact Wielkotz & Company, LLC Today

For further information on Local Finance Notice 2020-09 and its implementation feel free to reach out to Steven Wielkotz at (973)-835-7900 ext. 201 or

Local Finance Notice 2020-10 – Supplementary Emergency Procurement Guidance

In response to Executive Order 107’s restrictions on public gatherings to help stop the spread of COVID-19, the Division of Consumer Affairs recommends alternatives to in-person contact during the competitive bidding process.

  1. Local contracting units are encouraged to specify a return date for bid or RFP submissions in published advertisements that is beyond the minimum specified in statute.
  2. Advertisements should also encourage bid and RFP responses to be submitted via certified mail or overnight delivery, which not only avoids the need for hand delivery but also confirms the delivery date.
  3. Local contracting units that cannot accommodate hand delivery of bids or RFP responses due to building closures or public access restrictions should include that fact in their advertisements.
  4. If a local contracting unit can hold a public bid opening with in-person bidder attendance and maintain appropriate social distancing by selecting a large enough (or outdoor) venue, it is encouraged to do so.
  5. If the contracting unit cannot accommodate in-person attendance at a bid opening for public health reasons and must prohibit attendance from bidders and the general public, the contracting unit may broadcast the bid opening live at the contracting unit’s facilities by using web-conference call or online livestreaming technology with both video and audio capability.

Local Finance Notice 2020-10

Please follow the link below to read more about the specific new requirements for procurement amidst these uncertain times:

Contact Wielkotz & Company, LLC Today

For further information on Local Finance Notice 2020-10 and its implementation feel free to reach out to Steven Wielkotz at (973)-835-7900 ext. 201 or

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