Single Audits in NJ
Entities receiving funds from the Federal government or the State of New Jersey may be required to conduct an annual Single Audit. Our staff of industry experts can help you navigate this detailed process to ensure compliance with all applicable regulations.

Our Single Audit Services at Wielkotz & Company, LLC
In accordance with the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Uniform Guidance and the State of New Jersey OMB Circular 15-08, entities receiving and expending federal and/or state grant funds must comply with detailed requirements to ensure compliance with the executed grant agreements. The professionals at Wielkotz & Company, LLC are well versed in the requirements of single audits and aid clients in the design, implementation and monitoring of compliance with each individual grant agreement.
What Do Single Audit Services Include?
Our staff includes individuals with the Advanced Single Audit Certificate designation as administered by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), that provide services to governmental, non-profit, and for profit entities on a regular basis. Our single audit services include, but are not limited to the following:
- Single Audits in Accordance with U.S. OMB Uniform Guidance
- Single Audits in Accordance with the State of New Jersey OMB Circular 15-08
- Preparation of the Schedule of Federal Awards (SEFA)
- Preparation of the Schedule of Expenditures of State Financial Assistance (SESFA)
- Internal Controls Design for Compliance with Grant Agreements
- Internal Controls Monitoring
- Subrecipient Monitoring
- Grant Financial Reporting
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At Wielkotz & Company, we strive to provide our clients with high-quality, personalized service. Get in touch with us via our client portal or browse our resources for easy access to NJ government codes, regulations, and more.
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Which Industries Need Single Audits?
With over 45 years of professional experience, Wielkotz & Company, LLC has been providing various accounting and consulting services to clients in a broad array of industries. This experience translates to a knowledgeable staff that can help serve your business or organization with all of its accounting and consulting needs.
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Whether you have accounting, tax, or business advisory needs, Wielkotz and Company professionals will strive to navigate any situation to provide value to you and your entity.
Our audit services help our clients see further and deeper into their organizations. From enhancing trust in the entities we audit, to assisting organizations in meeting the assurance demands outlined in regulations and standards, we help our clients operate with greater confidence.
Assurance Services
Reviews, compilations and agreed upon procedures are a few of the assurance services we provide. As industry experts we are able to work with our clients to provide the necessary level of assurance in any situation.
Forensic Accounting Services
Investigations, expert witness services and litigation support are a few of the forensic accounting services we provide. Our staff of Certified Fraud Examiners specialize in providing forensic accounting and fraud investigation services to our clients in times of need.