New Jersey Division of Local Government Services Local Finance Notice 2024-18

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Wielkotz & Company
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December 19, 2024
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Local Finance Notice 2024-18 The Workplace Accountability in Labor List & Online Certified Payroll System for Prevailing Wage Projects

N.J.S.A 34:11-56.48 et seq. authorized the NJ Department of Labor and Workforce Development to create and maintain The Workplace Accountability in Labor List (The WALL). In addition, on July 1, 2024 the prevailing wage threshold was moved to $19,375 for municipalities, while the threshold for all other public bodies remains at $2,000.

The Workplace Accountability in Labor List

  • The WALL is a list of any person found in violation of any State wage, benefit, and tax laws and against whom a final order has been issued by the NJDOL Commissioner or other appropriate agency officer for such violations.
  • A person placed on the WALL is prohibited from contracting with any public body until the liability for violations have been resolved with the NJDOL. 
  • The WALL is applicable to all procurements regardless of dollar value.
  • Contracting units must cross-check prospective contractor and vendor names against the Wall prior to awarding a contract, including before awarding a contract off a cooperative contract.
  • For small-dollar purchases beneath the quote threshold, a purchasing agent should review the WALL when updated each month, and provide an updated list to each department with the authority to make delegated purchases.

Electronic Submission of Certified Payrolls for Prevailing Wage Projects

  • Effective August 15, 2024, contractors or subcontractors performing on a prevailing wage project must submit their certified payroll on the NJDOL New Jersey Wage Hub.
  • Any project that falls within the definition of “public work” is subject to the Prevailing Wage Act.

Local Finance Notice 2024-18

Please follow the link below to read more about these items and guidance on how your local unit can implement them:

Contact Wielkotz & Company, LLC Today

For further information on Local Finance Notice 2024-18 and its implementation feel free to reach out to Steven Wielkotz at (973)-835-7900 ext. 201 or

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